What we Believe...
Develop a flexible plan which establishes priorities
and helps you act thoughtfully and knowingly.
Desire to be successful
Set short and long term goals revise and redesign
Determine what needs work budget time to achieve goals
A well prepared part is something you bring to rehearsal, not something you develop in rehearsal.
Take action to be successful. Physical Activity. Build muscle and musical memory. Repetition. Develop your craft. Develop consistency. Work on what you cannot play. Use a metronome or accompaniment track.
You do not come to rehearsal to learn your part, you come to learn everyone else’s.
Nobody knows what you can not play better than you.
Doing things together that cannot be done alone.
Directed listening and adjusting.
Evaluate during the process.
Listen critically.
Solve group problems. Ensemble is the audience
Present a gift that comes from the heart and inspires the soul.
Culmination of study and experience
Spontaneous creation. Non-Stop energy flow. Focus and target attention. Learning is more intuitive.
Self monitored listening and adjusting.